Cross-curricular topics

Bored Jar
Bored Students during free time? Not a problem anymore!
Have a jar full with 30 different things they can do to help them decide how to cheer themselves up!

Action Dice
This resource includes 3 action dice templates which can be easily printed on A3 or A4 cardstock and used during the lessons. They are a fun way to introduce the topic Verbs into the curriculum. They can also be used during Circle Time.
This resource also includes the actions individually and can be printed on A4 paper and then cut and stuck to a small box and used as a dice.
The Actions on the Dice are the following:
Spin in a circle
Jump 5 times
Flap your arms like a bird
Stamp your feet 6 times
Wiggle your hands
Clap your hands 3 times
Dance for 30 seconds
Wave at 3 of your friends
Hop 4 times on one foot
Hug one friend
Make an angry face
Gallop like a horse
March in place
Do a Forward Roll
Play your guitar
Sing for 10 seconds
Squat for 4 times
Hula Hula Dance for 10 seconds